Understanding the Brain’s Role in Children’s Continence and Toilet Training

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Owl, Elephant, and Tigger Brains

As a parent, have you ever wondered why some children experience challenges with toilet training and continence? The answer lies in the fascinating world of; the brain. In the two videos below, Lisa Smith explains the brain’s key players: the Owl Brain (the P Frontal Cortext), the Elephant Brain (the Hippocampus), and the Tigger Brain (the Amygdala). Each of these parts play a unique role in a child’s development and toileting journey.

Understanding how these different parts of the brain work together is crucial in supporting children with their toilet training. You’ll better understand the impact they can have on behaviour, emotions and ultimately, the level of success you and your child has.

In our second video, Lisa walks you through a real-life case, showcasing how each of the brain regions interact in a child’s journey with toilet training. It will help you to understand how the Owl, Elephant, and Tigger brain can be triggered, often one triggering the other, in a roll on effect. It’s also a powerful reminder that it’s never the child’s fault; rather, it’s about understanding and addressing their unique needs.

The different areas of the brain - in detail

The Owl Brain (Frontal Cortex)

Think of this part of the brain as the wise owl, responsible for processing, decision-making, and thoughtful choices. IT plays a crucial role in understanding the complexities of toileting training.

The Elephant Brain (Hippocampus)

This region is all about emotions and memories, akin to the elephant that never forgets. It forms connections between experiences and feelings, influencing a child’s attitude toward toileting.

The Tigger Brain (Amygdala)

The Tigger brain is the primitive, survival-orientated part. It keeps us safe from perceived dangers but can lead to heightened stress responses, especially in children with additional needs.

Unlock the secrets of your child's brain and provide them with the guidance and care they need. Toilet training is a journey that demands patience, empathy, and expertise.

I specialise in supporting children with unique needs on their toileting journey. My services are tailored to address the individual challenges and strengths of your child. Explore the different services I offer to see if I can make a difference for your child or reach out to me directly or book an appointment now. Together, we can navigate the complexities of toileting and empower your child to thrive.


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